At Austin Inc. we strive to give each business and individual
that we work with the best value for their money!

      We also provide each site with the following "Free" of charge to make their business and web site the best it can be.

  • Email support!
  • Free counters on your site to show the number of visitors!
  • Free Guest Books site for Guest to register their thoughts about your site with you if desired!
  • Making sure your site works in both Internet Explorer and Netscape.
  • Tips on How to Make your site more Profitable!
  • Listing in the Austin Inc Web Design Directory for 3 months or end of contract! A great way for your site to be found!

Business Tips from The Webmaster!

Question: What is the most important thing concerning my site ?
Answer: To capture the attention of your intended viewers immediately so they will feel invited to explore the rest of your site.

Question: I see a lot of sites that have lots of pictures and icons that are animated. Are these a good thing or bad?
Answer: Having a lot of pictures, icons and/or animated icons is normally not a good thing. The more of these you put on your site the longer it takes to load on a person's computer. A few well placed pictures and/or icons look nice, and lets face it, the internet is a very visual medium. You will notice that we have some on our pages, however only a few so that it will load and get the message to our customers quickly! Remember, a lot of people are still out there running with slower machines. What takes 3 seconds to load on a fast system could take 15 seconds or more on a slower system. They note that now most people will only wait for 10 seconds....and then move on.

      Cyberspace is the newest and most exciting business frontier in our galaxy, but tried-and-true marketing pratices remain the surest to selling your services online.

Review these following quidelines for your business:

  • Develop a business plan. Take the time to write a business plan that answers the following questions: who are your target clients, and why should they retain your services and not your competitor's? If you don't know your market, how will you know how to reach them?
  • Create a budget. It's true: you have to spend money to make money. Knowing how much you need (and how much you have!) will help focus your marketing strategy.
  • Maintain a database of clients. Your clients are the lifeblood of your business. An updated database will allow you to keep in touch with them efficiently -- and regularly.
  • Track every sale. Where did they hear about you? How much did they spend? This invaluable information will point you towards a more intelligent sales strategy.
  • Keep the pipeline full. Your marketing efforts shouldn't stop simply because you've secured some short-term business. Plan ahead and maintain a consistent marketing strategy -- and your business (and cash flow) will remain steady throughout fluctuating market condidtions.
  • Ask for referrals and testimonials. Your current clients are your most effective salespeople. Publish their testimonials on your site, and regularly request referrals for new business.
  • Treat your clients well. They're all you've got. Don't take them for granted.
  • Study marketing techniques. No matter what service you provide you're also a salesperson. Become a student of marketing and regularly re-evaluate and refine your sales techniques.

This Site was Designed and is Maintained by:
Austin Inc. Web Design
Email: AustinIncWebDesign